Sun Spots, Pigmented Lesions — Simply Skin Las Vegas

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6920 S Cimarron Rd
Las Vegas, NV, 89113
United States


Las Vegas's full service premier laser salon specializing in Laser Hair Removal, Laser Fungus Removal, Laser Facials, the removal of Vascular Lesions, and Sublative Skin treatments for wrinkles, acne scar treatments, stretch marks, and the promotion of collagen regrowth. 


Sun Spots, Pigmented Lesions


Whether using the Candela GentleMax PRO Plus or the Candela PicoWay, pigmented lesions are virtually erased. It is a laser treatment for dark spots, skin tightening, active acne, acne scars, and wrinkles. With the use of different handpieces and laser wavelengths for treatment of these conditions, the laser works below the surface, leaving the outer layer of the skin intact. It leaves skin with a peppered, crusted look that flakes off and sheds the pigments spot away. It creates trauma in the dermis (the layer just beneath the outer skin) leaving your epidermis (top layer of the skin in tact) to promote healing and to repair surrounding tissue while encourageing the production of collagen and elastin. Patients can usually resume normal activities – and even apply makeup – within a day of treatment.

To find out more, click HERE book a consultation or HERE to visit our Frequently Asked Questions